The Blog
Welcome to the Connections Recruitment blog. Here you will find the latest news from Connections HQ along with our thoughts and tips on a range of hot recruitment topics.

How To Become A Networking Natural
It’s the time of ‘new year, new me’ but how many times have you said that about a goal and never actually achieved it? If this applies to your annual promise to attend more events and get better at networking there is a way to boost your motivation and get out...
The Best Ways To Stick To Your Work Resolutions
It’s easy to finish the New Year’s countdown and start reeling all off al the things we’ll finally achieve including being more organised, landing a massive pay increase or getting a promotion but creating big challenges may mean we feel pressured to achieve the...
The Best Benefits Of Working Over Christmas
You may have read the title and wondered whether there actually could be any benefits to working during the most wonderful time of the year but you’d be surprised. From quieter travel, an empty office or an escape route from annoying neighbours or in-laws, here are...
Why Your Job Is Just Like Stranger Things
Stranger Things and the weird town of Hawkins, Indiana may seem like a world away from our own, but even with roaming monsters and mad scientists on the loose, sometimes the show is closer to home than you think. If you need convincing, here are the reasons why your...
How To Keep Motivated Over The Holiday Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for people that don’t have to job-hunt or work over Christmas. While there are plenty of parties being lined up, work socials where ‘just one drink’ will end in bar dancing and all the mince pies you can eat, it’s important to...
Why You Should Look For Your Next Job Now
The year has come and gone and while we swear we were only complaining about it being too hot yesterday, we’re now counting down the days to Christmas parties and making plans for New Year's Eve. Around this time it’s normal to take a look back at the year and see...
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