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How To Communicate With Employees

We’ve written about how to improve communication skills, but when you’re a manager who struggles to know how to communicate with employees it can seem like a bigger problem than just having positive body language. Don’t worry if this is you though, we’ve got the most...

How To Improve Mental Health At Work

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, and many people tend to be more concerned with going to the gym than looking after their mental wellbeing, but mental health is just as important as physical health. It’s easy to get caught up in work and just assume that you’re...

Why You Should Be Kind At Work

When you spend 8 hours a day and 5 days a week with the same people it’s easy to pick up on their annoying qualities and ignore the good ones. We’ve all noticed a colleague that talks too loudly, one who spends too long chatting and making coffee or one that always...

How To Deal With Impostor Syndrome

Ever feel like you don’t deserve the job you’re in and think you’re not actually qualified enough to be there? Are you sure people will find out that you’re making things up as you go and you’re not as confident as they would believe? We’re here to explain all, with...