by Jason Taylor | Apr 16, 2019 | Advice, Job Preparation, Life Tips, Networking, Work Life
Searching for a job can be a vicious cycle sometimes. You apply to a job thinking you’re a shoe-in, get your hopes up and then you never hear back or get rejected before you start the search again. If you’re always left wondering what went wrong then we’re here to...
by Jason Taylor | Apr 15, 2019 | Advice, Job Preparation, Life Tips, Work Life
Game of Thrones will soon be drawing to a close, but across 7 seasons so far, and with the last one now in full swing, it has taught us many lessons that will continue forever. You may be surprised to know how a show full of dragons, whitewalkers and medieval style...
by Jason Taylor | Apr 9, 2019 | Advice, Business, Job Preparation, Life Tips, Work Life
It’s National Unicorn Day, and while horned horses may only be a thing of myths and legends, unicorn employees are a real thing. Just like their namesake they are rare though and a massive benefit to businesses, so if you want to know how to be a unicorn employee then...
by Jason Taylor | Apr 8, 2019 | Advice, Life Tips, Work Life
Ever feel like you don’t deserve the job you’re in and think you’re not actually qualified enough to be there? Are you sure people will find out that you’re making things up as you go and you’re not as confident as they would believe? We’re here to explain all, with...
by Jason Taylor | Apr 2, 2019 | Advice, Business, Life Tips, Work Life
Work days can sometimes be a challenge, things go wrong and days go badly, but if you’re always more of a negative Nelly than happy as Larry we’ve got the advice you need on how to be more positive at work. Start as you mean to go on Don’t turn up to work in a...
by Jason Taylor | Apr 1, 2019 | Advice, Interviews, Job Preparation, Life Tips
We live in a time when ‘Fake News’ is fairly common, but what about fake job ads? Applying for jobs can be hard enough without worrying whether you’ve just given your details away to a potential scammer, but if you don’t know how to tell fact from fiction, we’ve got...