by Jason Taylor | Oct 24, 2019 | Business, Business News, News, Politics, Technology, The Economy, The Government, Work Life
It’s a debate that has been gathering momentum for a while now, but the movement for a four day week is slowly coming to a head. Every month, a new business is operating within a four day week, or at least trialling it to test its feasibility. Whether it’s a...
by Jason Taylor | Jul 25, 2019 | Business, Business News, Employment News, News, Politics, The Economy
It’s a question that’s been asked on numerous occasions, but as we edge closer to the Brexit deadline with a new Prime Minister in tow, dynamics begin to change. Newly ushered into Downing Street, Boris Johnson now takes the helm of the UK as we prepare for yet more...
by Jason Taylor | Jun 25, 2019 | Business News
With the Women’s World Cup well underway, it’s no great surprise that the issue of the gender pay gap has once again come into the spotlight. Things started on a positive note- FIFA made history by hosting its first ever Women’s Convention, and announced an official...
by Jason Taylor | Jun 11, 2019 | Business, The Economy
As Theresa May makes her preparations to leave No.10, all eyes are now firmly resting on those who are ready to take her place. With the official line up of candidates now confirmed, the next few weeks are sure to promise a heady mix of pledges, gaffs, and the...