by Jason Taylor | Oct 2, 2018 | Advice, Business, Life Tips, Work Life
Applying for jobs can feel like an overwhelming task when companies seem to want a whole host of skills that you may not have. They want you to be all-singing, all-dancing and some jobs want you to have experience that you can’t get without having another job first...
by Jason Taylor | Aug 21, 2018 | Advice, Business, Life Tips, Work Life
You may have read the title and scratched your head wondering what on earth a dragon slaying story is other than reminiscent of the tales of King Arthur, but trust us when we say not only is it real but it is also a useful interview tactic. Let us be your knights in...
by Jason Taylor | Aug 20, 2018 | Advice, Business, Life Tips, Work Life
No matter what magazines and Instagram may tell you about seizing the day, dropping everything and becoming a hut-dwelling yoga teacher in Bali, humans are by nature creatures of habit. It seems that we’d rather stay in a job that we dread going to everyday than make...
by Jason Taylor | Aug 14, 2018 | Advice, Employment News, Life Tips, Work Life
When you are looking for a change of career it can be hard to know how exactly to advertise yourself to prospective employers and what qualities you should highlight to up your chances of securing an interview. Do you go down the standard ‘I’m a...
by Jason Taylor | Aug 13, 2018 | Advice, Business, Life Tips, Work Life
We’ve mentioned the idea of Workplace Culture before in our ‘What Do Millennials Want From A Job’ blog and how it doesn’t have a set definition, but instead is a collaborative term for a company’s beliefs, how they treat their staff and how much importance they place...