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The Blog

Welcome to the Connections Recruitment blog. Here you will find the latest news from Connections HQ along with our thoughts and tips on a range of hot recruitment topics.



How To Stop Doing Everyone’s Work

It’s easy to want to impress by taking on a huge workload, signing up for extra responsibilities or offering to help out your colleagues, but this can quickly become exhausting. It’s also particularly difficult to know how to say no without seeming impolite, but...

How To Write Better Emails

With March just around the corner there’s a chance that many of us will have waved goodbye to the New Year’s resolutions we promised ourselves we’d keep. Even if you’ve given in to chocolate temptation, your gym gear has been gathering dust or you’ve hit the snooze...

How To Motivate Employees

Motivation can be hard to muster as an individual and even harder to instil it in someone else. Leaders and bosses face this problem all the time and if you’re not sure of the tactics you would use on yourself then finding what will work for others can seem like a...

How To Be More Persuasive

Being persuasive often gets a bad reputation as a skill as most people associate it with being manipulative, but this isn’t the case. Having the ability to persuade someone is not only an excellent way of making connections but it can be a fantastic tool to help boost...

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