The Blog
Welcome to the Connections Recruitment blog. Here you will find the latest news from Connections HQ along with our thoughts and tips on a range of hot recruitment topics.

Working from Home- How to Maximise Your Time
What springs to mind when you think about working from home? A leisurely lie in, or the thrill of lazing around in your pyjamas all day? While both options are tempting, it takes a certain level of discipline to maximise your work from home days. It sounds like we’re...
What to Expect as a New Recruitment Consultant
The world of recruitment is one that is full of change, excitement, and a fair amount of competition thrown in for good measure. There’s no shying away from the fact that the hours can be long, but there’s plenty of rewards that are there for the taking, including...
The Women's World Cup and the Gender Pay Gap
With the Women’s World Cup well underway, it’s no great surprise that the issue of the gender pay gap has once again come into the spotlight. Things started on a positive note- FIFA made history by hosting its first ever Women’s Convention, and announced an official...
Artificial Intelligence: Where Does Technology Fall Short?
Artificial Intelligence has now cemented itself as a common feature not only within business and technology sectors, but also in our everyday existence. Whether it’s in the form of smart email categorisation or a ride-sharing app like Uber, it seems that our lives are...
Triumphs and Turkeys: Who Would You Hire as the Next Conservative Leader?
As Theresa May makes her preparations to leave No.10, all eyes are now firmly resting on those who are ready to take her place. With the official line up of candidates now confirmed, the next few weeks are sure to promise a heady mix of pledges, gaffs, and the...
Improving your Professional Skills
No doubt you’ve already heard about upskilling- a buzz word that’s been thrown around repeatedly by business gurus, LinkedIn experts and Twitter titans. Ever-increasing digitalisation has inevitably effected the way work; competition is fiercer, and professionals are...
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